Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S5 E6 - 316 - Jack/Ben

This week, the writing is on the bathroom, Ben feasts on A-Aron, and LAPIDUS takes us for the flight of our lives!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S5 E2 - The Lie - Hurley/Christy

This week, Faraday wanks his gear apparatus, red-shirts die in hilarious ways, and we all drop dead of abdominal wounds after feasting on Fried Frogurt!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S5 E1 -Because You Left - Ensemble/Derek

Welcome back, LOST fans! Join us today for the exciting beginning of season five!

This week, Faraday pulls an Alpert, Christy chooses cooking over violence, and we all shoot out some tires with Shotgun Willie and Miles DeGrasse Tyson!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S5 E0 - S1-S4 Recap - LOST: Destiny Calls

Hey, LOST fans! We're back with season five!

For E0 this time, instead of starting with a season four character-specific recap, we're exploring "LOST: Destiny Calls," which originally aired right before the season five premiere.

We hear from Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, have a lot of laughs, a few dramatic readings, and even a little tribute to our recurring guest, Dave!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

Season Five Pre Show!

Hey, LOST fans! Join us for a quick pre-season chat! We play some LOST trivia, Lacy has a new terrible joke, and we make a few season five power ranking predictions! Join us to get excited for season five!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S4 Bonus - Theories & Questions & More!

Join us for our fourth and objectively most funny bonus episode yet!

This time, we’re talking about the fan theories after season four and fun facts about our character rankings, including an aggregate of over the four seasons. Plus, Lacy read The Invention of Morel and has some fun things to tell you! No Gilgameshing! We promise!

Plus, of course, Derek’s biggest questions and theories after four seasons of LOST for the first time!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

S4 E10 - Something Nice Back Home - Jack/Dave (yes, Dave!)

This week, the Irish lad is back with more of his amazing Jack impression! Join the five of us as we harvest baby souls to build condos, try open heart surgery while awake, and admit we aren't the muscle; we're the nerds! Plus, don't forget, Jack isn't just a name; it's a way of life!

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Lacy Trimpe Lacy Trimpe

Season Four Video Mid-show!

Hey, LOST fans! We've made it to the halfway point in season four! Join us today as we talk about our listener stats, Power Rankings so far, and high and low moments of season four so far!

Plus, we answer more fan mail! Yahooo!

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